About Us
Dance leads us to reflection, and reflection to knowledge that transgresses the vulnerability of movement. As a transfer with the ability to impregnate.
We are a Contemporary Dance company with the aim of promoting and disseminating dance in our society, training the youngest, reviving research and the history of dance. For this we look for different channels and methods of dissemination, such as our podcast projects, online classes, training scholarships, productions and workshops, musical production for different dance companies and festivals, among others.
Our Supports


Cave Canem was formed in 2019 with the philosophy of creating an artistic platform from which to disseminate and give value to contemporary dance, share and create artistic ties in different fields and generate a path towards reflection. Since its inception they have produced and shared choreographies such as Ikebana, Baisum, NSOPLVSOPTM, Exeo, Frecuencia14, etc... And they have been part of festivals, residencies and competitions such as Solodos, Dance Craft Vienna Festival, International Contemporary Dance Festival Mexico City, residence CND Compañía National Danza, Mucho Más Mayo Festival, Festival Abril en Danza, Elche Medieval Festival, Dansa Valencia Festival, Xativa Balla Festival, Quincegotas Festival, “LINKAGE” International Dance Contest (Bulgaria), “Stray Birds” International Dance Contest (Taiwan). In turn, they have choreographies in Kit Modus (Atlanta, USA), Joven Compañía Gerard Collins and Proyecto GoOD (2019).